So, while I am slowly working out the blog-kinks, I am keeping very busy with SpiceRak! This month has been a whirl-wind of activity for me, at home and with the shop. Soon we will be taking a few days of much needed vacation to go back home and visit family for the holidays. I can't wait!
I'm also planning to introduce a new line of aprons and housewares in January. I'm working on new apron styles for every aspect of home life, in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some additions will be perfect for gardening, crafts, and even bake sales! We are also developing some innovative and eco-friendly housewares to add to the shop. It's going to be exciting!
In the meantime, I am working like crazy to squeeze as many new items into my shop as I can before we go, while simultaneously doing all the holiday baking, decorating, and gift-wrapping. Oh...and laundry... I am now convinced that the dirty clothes must actually multiply while in the hamper...there should be a scientific study somewhere, right?
Okay, back to work!