
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Unexpected Visitor

It's July 4th, and our neighbors have graciously disregarded any and all laws prohibiting the coolest firecrackers... to our great benefit.

Which we are totally enjoying as we sit in the pool at 10 p.m., watching the gorgeous fireworks display, quite literally exploding directly over our heads, and reflecting on the surface of the water! (It would have been terribly romantic, had my husband and I been out there alone, but it was still very cool, with the whole family there to share the experience!)

Well, the firecrackers were not appreciated by all. Would you believe a little baby Desert Banded Gecko was high-tailing it across the patio, headed straight for the (illusionary) safety of our home? (We have three can imagine the disaster that would have insued.)

So, my husband came to the rescue, and scooped this cute little guy up, to return him to the garden, where he could munch on some bugs, and grow up big and strong. We did take a couple quick pics on the way, for posterity. Isn't he a handsome fella?

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pretty in Pink?

Well, today I had to pass up a chance to buy a vintage 1950s dinette set... which I really did love. However, I did not love that the upholstery was wrecked, and the price was so high, I wouldn't be able to foot the repair bill. So, the hunt continues, one garage sale and thrift shop at a time.
Then I somehow managed to slice my hand open while trying to repair a bar stool, of all things. I hadn't even got the tools out, yet! It's not really that bad, but my son nearly passed out at the sight...which was kinda scary. But he was a trooper, and was ready to bust out the first aid kit for me, despite his queeziness. He was very heroic! (Be prepared. Ya gotta love scouts.) Luckily, my husbands' mom came to our rescue, and now I have a pretty blue Peanuts bandaid, and I'm none the worse for wear. Thanks, Yvette!

Before all of that excitement, I did manage to eek out a few hours in the workshop. I've added a new fabric to my line. It has a very retro vibe, and I'm hoping shoppers will like it as much as I do! I'm always on the lookout for cute retro fabric designs that I can incorporate as "staples", if you will, in my shop.

What do you think... Should it stay, or should it go?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hello, and Welcome to SpiceRak Designs! Here you will follow the daily challenges and successes of a modern housewife. I am happily married, and a proud mama of a twelve year old son.

Our son does remote learning, which is another term for online schooling, which is a fancy way of saying that he does home schooling with school district supervision. I love it, but it can be a real challenge...for all of us. It's amazing how much has changed since I was in school! So, we learn it all together, which has it's cool moments.

My husband's parents recently moved in with us from out of state. I love them both very much, so this is not a typical "in-laws" situation. However, as with any change, there are growing pains. Since this was something of a "growth spurt"...well, we're all working together to adjust.

While I'm happy that our son is getting the education every child deserves, it posed a problem when I was ready to go back to work. I found that I wasn't willing to send him back to the schools we have to choose from, just so I could get a job.

But I really needed something. Not just to help provide income, but also for my own sense of self-worth. After battling with some serious health problems for the past couple years, and coming out the victor, I realized I wanted to live. Not just breathe and exist, but really live life. So...I decided to start a little business. Nothing monstrous, nothing to make millions. Just a little something to give me back that feeling of personal accomplishment.

Now, don't get me wrong. I do accomplish a great number of things in a day, much like any modern housewife. I teach our son, and keep the house tidy, cook meals, run errands, and all the other things in between. But what I was missing was a sense of personal accomplishment. Not as a wife, or mom, or daughter. Just for me. And I've found it.

I started my little business by designing and sewing a few retro style aprons. Very June Cleaver. I love vintage, especially from the 1940s and 1950s, so I took my inspiration from that time period, and put a modern and practical twist on it. I started a shop on Etsy, a handmade marketplace of sorts, and off it went! I am excited to say that so far, it's been good.

So, here I will chronicle the ups and downs of life, as a wife, a mom, and an indie business owner. But also, as a woman who got another chance at living...and decided to take it! I hope you find something to laugh about, or encouragement that you, too, can grab life by the horns!