It's July 4th, and our neighbors have graciously disregarded any and all laws prohibiting the coolest firecrackers... to our great benefit.
Which we are totally enjoying as we sit in the pool at 10 p.m., watching the gorgeous fireworks display, quite literally exploding directly over our heads, and reflecting on the surface of the water! (It would have been terribly romantic, had my husband and I been out there alone, but it was still very cool, with the whole family there to share the experience!)
Well, the firecrackers were not appreciated by all. Would you believe a little baby Desert Banded Gecko was high-tailing it across the patio, headed straight for the (illusionary) safety of our home? (We have three can imagine the disaster that would have insued.)
So, my husband came to the rescue, and scooped this cute little guy up, to return him to the garden, where he could munch on some bugs, and grow up big and strong. We did take a couple quick pics on the way, for posterity. Isn't he a handsome fella?
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