
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Change is in the air...

They say that change is a gateway to adventure...if that is true, we may be in for a very big adventure, indeed! My hubbie has been offered a position in Wisconsin, and if we accept, we will be living there in little over a month! Since we now reside in the very warm climate of Las Vegas, Nevada...where it is currently a toasty 60 degreees outside...the idea of so much change at once is a little daunting. We both grew up in New Mexico, which is also a warm climate, so the cold weather is sure to be a new experience. We've been here in Vegas for about seven years, and I think we're all ready for a change of scenery. Our 12 year old son has rarely seen snow, and is so excited! If we do move, it will be like ripping off a bandaid..quick and painful. :) Relocating is complicated, and moving my little business will take some work, as well. However, all things considered, I'm excited, too. Bring on the packing tape!


  1. WOW! Wisconsin.... That is a change from the southwest. I think snow is fun to visit, but I dont think my AZ Native self could handle living with "real winters".
    It sounds like you have a great attitude and will have a great new life in Wisconsin.

  2. We haven't sealed the deal quite yet, but it's a good possibility. I'm absolutely terrified of the winters, but it gets very, very hot here in the summer, so I'm hoping it would be a trade off. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I'm willing to embrace the change. :) Hopefully it will be a good change for all of us.
